Your core can get stronger in just five minutes. Yes, you read that right! Stronger abs in just five minutes! This is because all you need is five minutes to practice the Pilates Series of Five exercise. So, with consistency, this workout will help create greater stability and flexibility in your core and it can even help improve your strength. The Pilates Series of Five is one of the best ab workouts to target every muscle group in your core. This movement can be done alone to engage your core or as a part of a full Pilates workout regime.
The majority of people believe that these are some of the most effective ab exercises ever. Yes, they are difficult. You will make them more manageable by not bending your knees too far and/or holding your head down. In the specific instructions, there are modifications for these exercises.
Use your abdominal muscles to keep your upper body curled, balance your pelvis, and lift your legs away from your center. Keep your back from falling off the mat by not lowering your legs any further than you can handle the movement with your abs. Your pelvis must remain in a comfortable position.
Some instructors teach the series of five exercises with no breaks in between, keeping the upper body curl the whole time. This is only for those who have reached the pinnacle of their abilities.
Each move in the series can be done for about a minute, making it a great and structured five minute ab workout.
Single Leg Stretch
Learning to switch from the middle is the key to single leg stretching. Many people find it particularly effective for sculpting their lower abs. This is not the same as a single straight leg stretch, which extends the back of the thighs’ hamstring muscles.
Added Value for Stronger Abs
The abdominals are trained to initiate movement as well as protect and stabilize the trunk while the arms and legs are moving in a single leg stretch. This exercise also includes a component of bodily control.
Lay flat on your mat and slightly raise your upper body and head off the mat. Use your hands to pull one knee towards your chest, holding it for two counts, while the opposite leg extends straight. Switch legs and repeat the exercise on the other side. Get as many reps as you can in one minute.
Be aware of the position of your body and its movement. Your torso must remain still and solid. Be sure that only your legs and arms are moving during this exercise. You also need to avoid the “bicycling” motion your legs may take. Try and keep them moving in straight lines.
Modification for Stronger abs
This workout can also be done with the head down. Your legs are too low if the small of your back is beginning to lift off the floor or also if you are experiencing back strain. Raise your legs and target your abs rather than your butt.
Double Leg Stretch
The double leg stretch provides a straightforward path between two opposing positions, and more can be learned from switching between them. Your shape will reveal if your trunk is shaky, your abs become stiff, or your breath isn’t working for you.
A perfect ab routine is the double leg stretch. It radiates from the heart powerhouse, putting the abdominal muscles to the test in terms of strength and stamina. It also aids in the development of unity and teamwork.
Begin this move by hugging your knees into your chest. Bring your upper body slightly off the mat to meet your knees and curl into a ball, reminiscent of the fetal position. Also, as you take a deep breath in, reach your arms overhead at a 45° angle and extend legs at an angle. Hold for one second, and exhale while sweeping your arms around to your knees to pull them into your chest. Repeat the exercise for a full minute.
Single Straight-Leg Stretch
Lie on your back with legs overhead at an angle. While on your mat, lift your upper body and head slightly off the mad and hold that position for the entire move. As you lower your right leg, pull your left leg towards your chin with your hands. Switch legs and repeat this exercise on the other side. So be sure to do this for a full minute, which is about ten times for each leg.
Double Straight-Leg Stretch
On your back with legs at an angle, lift your upper body and head slightly off the mat for the whole exercise. Keep your legs straight and together, slowly lower your legs on each inhale as low as you can go while keeping your lower back flat on the mat. Exhale and bring your legs back in with controlled movement to an angle. Do this for a minute, which is five to eight times.
In non-Pilates style classes, this move is called a “bicycle” crunch in the fitness world. The movement is common because it really engages the abs. While laying on your back, raise your head and upper body slightly off the might. Bring your right knee in towards the chest as you extend your left leg out to an angle. At the same time, twist your body to bring your left elbow to your right knee. Hold the pose and exhale a few times. Switch legs and repeat the exercise on the opposite side. Do this for ten or more reps to complete a full minute.
With consistency, this workout will have you stronger than ever. Just makes sure that after you finish this exercise, stretch out into Cat-cow and Child’s Pose to relax your muscles properly.
A final word about stronger abs from Kim…
The abdominal muscles and back muscles balance each other in ways that are critical for your posture and spine’s wellbeing. So all of your core muscles, including your back muscles, must work together for efficient, healthy movement.
Not only would you be a potential candidate for back pain if you practice your abdominal muscles without balancing with back extension exercises, but you will also most likely end up with unattractive, inefficient stance.