Your mother and immediate family are frequently the sources of your first love. This unrequited love expects nothing in return. Those beautiful times you recall snogging with your parents, playing sports with your sibling in the backyard, or going down the street for ice cream with your grandma is more than simply fond memories.
The love of a family psychologically roots you and provides a foundation for future relationships. It allows you to create secure attachments. Children who are securely linked feel safe and cared for. If you had strong ties with your parents, they were probably responsive and met your needs when you were a child. Positive relationships and feelings of caring from loved ones lead to improved social functioning later in life. A young child with solid attachments can also build healthy relationships with others more easily as they grow up and throughout their lives.
The Advantages of Family Love
Stable family ties provide benefits beyond the ones stated above, such as the development of secure attachments and improved social functioning. You have a good framework for the world if you feel comfortable, protected, and cared for during those critical early years. The future appears promising. Other advantages of living in a warm environment surrounded by the affection of a family include:
- You acquire confidence and a positive self-image.
- You learn dispute resolution techniques.
- You will gain knowledge of communication and social interactions.
- When you and your family overcome obstacles, you grow more robust and adaptable.
- You believe you have help when you need it.
- Routine gives you a sense of stability and predictability.
- You don’t have to do anything to win the love of your family. You have it without reservation—just for being born.
• Your early experiences and growth are seen positively.
• You also reduce your chances of developing mental health issues in the future.
More Information
Adults who had more pleasant childhood experiences had a lower risk of depression and poor mental health, as well as more adult-reported social and emotional support. It is critical to feel loved by our family and to have wonderful childhood experiences when we are young. Enhancing pleasant childhood experiences may also lessen adult mental health problems, even if adverse childhood events occurred.
Distancing from Family Members
Perhaps you did not have a happy childhood, and your parents were not good role models. That being said, you may have chosen to isolate yourself from them. Or, in later years, you preferred to go in a different direction from what you expected. As a result, rather than experience tension and discomfort, you choose not to spend time with relatives.
What if the Pandemic had a Negative Impact on your Family?
Family dynamics frequently evolved throughout COVID-19. Let’s face it: spending more time together has a negative impact. Many of us were irritated with one another. Some bonds were frayed. You may have gotten irritated by your brother playing his music too loudly or your cousin eating your favorite cereal on a daily basis if you were unable to escape to the movies or meet friends.
Even if you are genetically linked to them, you may have grown tired of being caged up with them. With additional stressors and obligations imposed on you, you may believe you did not receive the understanding or aid you required. As a result, you may feel exhausted and, to be honest, less than enthralled with these people. Many admit that they are more estranged from family members now than before the pandemic, despite the entire family still living under the same roof or in the same apartment complex.
When family members were forced to spend more time together than they were accustomed to, some people’s overall well-being began to decline.
While others worked and resided on the other side of the country from our families. We couldn’t go to see them, or we couldn’t devote enough time to them. Perhaps we felt guilty. Possibly we were relieved. Family connections were strained by disagreements about politics, wearing masks, and getting the vaccine. It’s understandable if you believe there will be no return to pre-pandemic conditions.
Family counseling or individual therapy can help you deal with estranged relationships and make peace with them. If you did not have a fantastic family experience as a child or do not have one today, you still have the ability to create another type of family. Family love can be found whether or not it is founded on genetic relationships.
Developing Family Love Among Friends
Family love can be developed with a group other than your own family, such as your friendship circle. You don’t have to be particularly close to your parents, siblings, or children to feel familial affection. Relationships formed with neighbors, coworkers, or childhood pals who may resurface in your life might serve as an excellent substitute for family. Perhaps you have close college or church friends. You can form close bonds with the individuals you choose to be with.
Close friends aren’t simply “like family” to many people; they are family. It is critical to develop intimate, meaningful relationships because they maintain us. People who have strong social links have a 50% higher likelihood of survival than those who have lesser ties. This is true, independent of age, gender, or health. While we can keep in touch via text or quick phone calls to check in, you may want to pay more attention to these crucial connections. We must remember that having close relationships is essential to healthy health.
Kim’s Final Thoughts…
Hugs are crucial because humans require physical touch. In fact, the hormone oxytocin is released during a warm and welcoming hug, which slows our heart rate, reduces stress, and lowers anxiety. Furthermore, the brain releases endorphins, which overwhelm us with sensations of pleasure and contentment. There are numerous advantages to being part of a supportive family network. It is an essential component of both physical and emotional well-being. Begin to devote more time and attention to individuals you care about. You’ll soon be having fun and making memories.