Physical Perfection Pilates is a one-on-one private Pilates training facility nestled in the hip community of West Hollywood, California, noted for their celebrity clientele. Physical Perfection Pilates is located within walking distance to many beautiful cafes, boutiques and hotels.

Warmth and serenity fill an inviting interior, which beckons you to leave life at the door. Soothing sounds of music and fountains allow you to let go and take a respite from your life with focused physical and emotional “me” time.
Enjoy a moment before your session begins to relax in the beautiful flower-infused courtyard – a quiet place to ease yourself from a hectic day into a mindset that only involves you.
A fully equipped Pilates training facility, Physical Perfection Pilates meets your every need to achieve your fitness goals.
Private Pilates sessions can be booked by appointment only.